Early childhood development discussion documents: Possible solution for simplifying land use Click here to find a series of five papers aimed at stimulating discussion and awareness about local government matters that…
Reflections on ten years of basic education In this report Kim Porteus, Executive Director of the Nelson Mandela Institute, looks at the challenges that basic education faced…
Workshop: Truth, Reconciliation and Transparency in South Africa and Kenya Lessons Learned This booklet contains input from a workshop the Nelson Mandela Foundation’s Centre of Memory and Dialogue co-convened, with the Goethe Institute,…
Dignity and Justice for All An edited version of transcripts of the Human Rights Lecture and Roundtable Discussion on Dignity And Justice For All Of…
Caring Schools Dialogue On November 26, 2007, the Nelson Mandela Foundation (NMF) convened a multi-stakeholder dialogue in Clarens, Free State. The booklet is…
Archives at the Crossroads 2007 Booklet In response to a range of indicators signalling a troubled state of affairs in the national archival system and in…