Nelson Mandela tells The World Commission on Dams that access to water is part of freedom Nelson Mandela tells The World Commission on Dams that access to water is part of freedom
Nelson Mandela attends the Codesa multi-party negotiations where an interim constitution is agreed Nelson Mandela attends the Codesa multi-party negotiations where an interim constitution is agreed
Nelson Mandela addresses the National Executive Committee meeting of Tanzania's ruling Chama Cha Mapinduzi party. Nelson Mandela addresses the National Executive Committee meeting of Tanzania's ruling Chama Cha Mapinduzi party.
Nelson Mandela meets South Africa's national soccer team, Bafana-Bafana, and the US soccer team. Nelson Mandela meets South Africa's national soccer team, Bafana-Bafana, and the US soccer team.
Nelson Mandela meets SA and US football teams after the Nelson Mandela Challenge final Nelson Mandela meets SA and US football teams after the Nelson Mandela Challenge final
Nelson Mandela tells young prisoners their future is in their hands Nelson Mandela tells young prisoners their future is in their hands
Nelson Mandela watches the film ‘The Things I cannot change’ in Pollsmoor Prison Nelson Mandela watches the film ‘The Things I cannot change’ in Pollsmoor Prison
President Nelson Mandela attends a banquet in honour of President Suharto of Indonesia at at the presidential office, Tuynhys, Cape Town. President Nelson Mandela attends a banquet in honour of President Suharto of Indonesia at at the presidential office, Tuynhys, Cape Town.
Nelson Mandela tells foreign correspondents that media freedom will not be under threat while there is an ANC government Nelson Mandela tells foreign correspondents that media freedom will not be under threat while there is an ANC government