Media Statement: United Nations Champion of the Earth, Prime Minister Mia Mottley, confirmed to speak at 20th Nelson Mandela Annual Lecture The Nelson Mandela Foundation is pleased to announce Her Excellency Prime Minister of Barbados, Mia Mottley, as the speaker for…
Media statement: Partnership to provide life-changing nutrition for South Africa’s children Futurelife partners with the Nelson Mandela Foundation to celebrate hope and fight hunger this Madiba Month.
Media Statement: Nelson Mandela Day 2022 The Nelson Mandela Foundation has themed Nelson Mandela Day 2022 around its food and nutrition programme, with the call, ‘Do…
Invitation to cover: Rule of Law and Constitutionalism – A Dialogue The Nelson Mandela Foundation in association with the Hanns Seidel Foundation invites you to a dialogue on the Rule of…
Invitation to Cover: Oppressive Pasts & Healing; Apartheid South African Flag Handover Ceremony Join the Nelson Mandela Foundation for a ceremony in which a ceremonial apartheid-era South African flag is switched for one…
Vuleka Mhlaba (What Would Happen if Madiba Returned?) I remember the day Nelson Mandela returned, exactly thirty years after his death. On that day, a hole emerged and…
If planning is everything, maybe it's nothing? The impacts of spatial apartheid planning have been so vast that even today our planning still creates an opportunity for…
Let's build the nation of Madiba's dreams I always feel a terrible pull in opposite directions – on the one hand, I am often inspired by the…
Nelson Mandela travels through Africa During my time as a volunteer at the Foundation, I had the incredible opportunity to transcribe one of Nelson Mandela’s…
Mandela Day 2022: Do what you can, with what you have, where you are In 2022 the international Mandela Day campaign focus and messaging will seek to promote community and backyard gardens, support fruit…
Media Statement: Afriforum Appeals Equality Court Decision on Apartheid Flag Today, the Nelson Mandela Foundation was in the Supreme Court of Appeals opposing Afriforum's appeal of the 2019 Equality Court…
Media Statement: Hate Speech and Displays of the Apartheid Flag On 11 May 2022, South Africa’s Supreme Court of Appeals will be hearing an appeal against a 2019 ruling by…
The importance of education to Madiba A letter Nelson Mandela wrote from Robben Island in 1970 portrays how much Madiba valued education.
Building a new politics from the ground up This year, Freedom Day arrived amid a crisis of political accountability. By now, the headlines are familiar—the most recent elections…
Announcing the 2022 Dialogue & Advocacy Fellow: Luveshni Odayar The recipient of the 2022 Dialogue and Advocacy Fellowship is Luveshni Odayar. Luveshni holds an MSc in Sustainable Development and…
Taiwan's Soochow University hands Mandela documents to Foundation Representatives from Soochow University, the Taiwan Foundation for Democracy as well as the Taiwanese Embassy to South Africa attended as…
One blow too many For the Foundation, the month of April has been dominated by the most catastrophic flooding in almost three decades, which…
Archive, ghosts and justice: Exhibition opening and panel discussion On the 13th of April, 2022, the Archive at the Centre of Memory, an initiative of the Nelson Mandela Foundation,…
Invitation to Cover: Exhibition Opening – Reality Check: Walter Sisulu – Accused #2 The Archive at the Centre of Memory will be opening a new virtual reality exhibition titled, "Reality Check: Walter Sisulu…
From othering to belonging Foundation CE Sello Hatang reflects on human migration and its causes, and on xenophobia and reactions to refugees, in South…