October 11, 2010 – The Nelson Mandela Foundation is proud to announce that a new book by Nelson Mandela, Conversations with Myself, will be released worldwide in 22 editions and 20 languages from October 12, 2010.
With a foreword by President Barack Obama, Conversations with Myself is an intimate journey from the first stirrings of Mr Mandela’s political consciousness to his galvanising role on the world stage. It is a rare chance to spend time with Nelson Mandela the man, in his own voice: direct, clear and private.
Compiled by the Nelson Mandela Foundation Centre of Memory and Dialogue, Conversations with Myself gives readers access to the private man behind the public figure: from letters written in the darkest hours of Mr Mandela’s twenty-seven years of imprisonment to the draft of an unfinished sequel to his autobiography Long Walk to Freedom.
Here he is making notes and even doodling during meetings, or recording troubled dreams on the desk calendar of his cell on Robben Island; writing journals while on the run during the anti-apartheid struggle or conversing with friends. In these pages he is neither an icon nor a saint; here he is like you and me.
For further information go to www.nelsonmandela.org or contact Sarah Anderson at PQ Blackwell sarah.anderson@pqblackwell.com or the publisher in your country.
Country | Publisher | Contact |
Australia | Macmillan |
Tom Gilliatt: tom.gilliatt@macmillan.com.au Jeannine Fowler: jeannine.fowler@macmillan.com.au |
Brazil | Rocco | Vivian Wyler: vwyler@rocco.com.br |
Canada | Random House | Tim Rostrum: trostron@randomhouse.com |
China | CITIC Publishing | Yan Xiangdong: yanxiangdong@citicpub.com |
Denmark | Lindhart & Ringhof | Jeppe Markers: jeppe.markers@lindhardtogringhof.dk |
France | Groupe la Martinière | Jean-Louis Festjens: jlfetjaine@lamartiniere.fr |
Germany | Piper Verlag | Ulrich Wank: ulrich.wank@piper.de |
Greece | Patakis | Anna Pataki: anna@patakis.gr |
Holland | Het Spectrum | Eduard Richter: eduard.richter@unieboekspectrum.nl |
India | Orient Paperbacks | Sidharth Malhotra: sidharth@orientpaperbacks.com |
Israel | Achuzat Bayit | Saray Gutman: gutman@abayit-books.com |
Italy | Sperling & Kupfer | Enrico Racca: agenzia@robertosantachiara.com |
Korea | Random House | Mi Rang Park: mrpark@randomhousekorea.com |
New Zealand | Macmillan | Jane Symmons: janes@macmillan.co.nz |
Norway | Cappelens Damm |
Ida Berntsen: ida.berntsen@cappelendamm.no Marius Wulfsberg: marius.wulfsberg@cappelendamm.no |
Portugal | Constancia Editores |
Clara Capitao: capitaoc@objectiva.pt Alexandre Vasconcelos: vasconelosa@objectiva.pt |
South Africa | Macmillan |
Terry Morris: terry@panmacmillan.co.za Nina Gabriels: nina@panmacmillan.co.za |
Spain (Spanish) | Planeta | David Figueras: dfigueras@planeta.es |
Spain (Catalan) | Columna | Dina de la Lama: ddelalama@grup62.com |
Sweden | Norstedts | Per Faustino: per.faustino@norstedts.se |
Thailand | Post Publishing | Panee Loikate: paneeloikate@gmail.com |
Turkey | Optimist | Zeynep Demirel: zeynep@bzdyayincilik.com |
UK & Ireland | Macmillan |
Jon Butler: Jon.Butler@macmillan.co.uk Jacqueline Graham: jacqui@jacquelinegraham.co.uk |
USA | Farrar, Strauss & Giroux |
Eric Chinksy: Eric.Chinski@fsgbooks.com Laurel Cook: Laurel.Cook@fsgbooks.com |