Vote now in the My World campaign
The United Nations and the Nelson Mandela Foundation are collaborating in a consultative process to raise awareness about a global survey known as My World.
The My World survey will ensure that citizens across the world participate in the development of the next global agenda.
My World is a global survey which, through creative online and offline methods, allows people across the world to tell the United Nations, and in particular the Secretary General's High Level Panel, which issues should be included in the next global agenda.
The survey allows people to choose six issues out of 16 that they think would make the most difference to their lives.
The 16 issues include the priorities expressed by poor people in existing research and polling exercises, and in the ongoing technical and political discussions about possible future goals.
They cover the existing Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), plus issues relating to sustainability, security, governance and transparency.
What are the sixteen options?
Better job opportunities
Support for people who can´t work
A good education
Better healthcare
Affordable and nutritious food
Phone and internet access
Better transport and roads
Access to clean water and sanitation
Reliable energy at home
Action taken on climate change
Protecting forests, rivers and oceans
Equality between men and women
Protection against crime and violence
Political freedoms
An honest and responsive government
Freedom from discrimination and persecution
Our goal is to have at least 1-million South Africans participate and vote online by 31 March 2015.
Your involvement to help us reach our goal of 1-million votes by 31 March will be appreciated and would go a long way in contributing to the empowerment of the people of South Africa.
Cast your vote here.
Further details:
Nomsa Mazwai
Campaign manager
079 821 4438