The Stop Hunger Now Southern Africa Million Meal Challenge is a massive three-city (Johannesburg, Cape Town and Durban) volunteer meal packaging drive that will see thousands of corporate volunteers attempt to package one million meals in four 67-minute shifts on 17 July 2015. The meals will provide a healthy and nutritious meal for 5 000 children for one year.
With Ms Graca Machel as the Chief Patron, Stop Hunger Now Southern Africa has inspired local celebrities Elvis Blue, Roxi Wardman (SA Masterchef Winner 2014) and Chad Saaiman to take part in this year's Mandela Day challenge.
“This is a wortld first attempt at a country packaging one million meals in one day with 3 cities involved and being undertaken completely by corporate volunteers who want to spend their 67 minutes in a manner that is not only fun but also ensuring no child goes hungry," says Saira Khan, CEO of Stop Hunger Now Southern Africa.
"We will distribute the meals packed in each province to that province and the focus is on early childhood development centres that do not obtain government subsidies and where parents are unable to contribute to costs. So in essence, the meals will go to the most vulnerable children and that is totally in line with our mandate.”
The Million Meal Challenge will take place on Friday, 17 July 2015 (the day before Mandela Day) in Johannesburg at the Sandton Convention Centre, in Cape Town at Canal Walk and in Durban at the Durban International Convention Centre. The first shift starts at 8am and the last at 2pm.
What can you do for 67 minutes?
You can live the legacy and join Stop Hunger Now Southern Africa and take on the Million Meal Challenge for Mandela Day and build food sustainability for thousands of pre-school children!
Click on the files below to download registration forms.
To book for the Million Meal Challenge on the 17th of July – preregistration is essential – please email jeanvw@stophungernnowsa.org for costs and booking information, or visit www.stophungernowsa.org
Fast facts about HUNGER
2.5-million children in South Africa face chronic hunger every day
Hunger-related childhood illnesses is a key cause of death in children under five years of age
Children who experience malnutrition in the crucial early phases of development experience learning difficulties
Stop Hunger Now Southern Africa is a non-profit organisation that mobilises volunteers to help eradicate hunger on an ongoing basis by providing prepared nutritional meal packs to young children at crèches (unregistered Early Childhood Development centres)
Stop Hunger Now Southern Africa feeds 12 048 children in 226 creches hot nutritious meals a least 5 times a week
Stop Hunger Now Southern Africa reaches out specifically to these unregistered crèches as there is no formal funding mechanism providing nutritional support to these children.