South African Music Awards winners with Nelson Mandela
April 22, 2010 – Winners of the recent South African Music Awards (SAMA) today committed themselves to action on Mandela Day – a day of humanitarian action.
The musicians made the pledge during a visit to the Nelson Mandela Foundation. After committing to humanitarian action on Mandela Day, the artists met with Nelson Mandela, who wanted to meet the musicians to congratulate them on their achievement.
Mandela Day, initiated by the Nelson Mandela Foundation and 46664, in association with their sister organisations, is recognised as an annual international day of humanitarian action in celebration of Mr Mandela’s life and legacy. It aims to create a global movement for good, which recognises – as Mr Mandela does – that positive change begins with small, selfless, individual actions. It provides an opportunity for each and every person around the world to realise that they have the ability to change the world by doing good. So much so, that last year in November, the United Nations approved Mandela Day as a day of humanitarian action.
On July 18 (Mr Mandela’s birthday) every year, people are asked to donate at least 67 minutes of their time in service to their communities. Sixty-seven minutes is a symbolic number, representing the number of years Mr Mandela was actively involved in social activism.
Adam Glasser, winner of the Best Contemporary Jazz Album award, noted: “It was an exceptional privilege to learn about the variety of work being done by the Foundation and as a 2010 SAMA award winner I am inspired to make as concrete a contribution as I can to your work.”
Sello Hatang, the Foundation’s Information Communications Manager, added: “The role of art in bringing about social change cannot be emphasised enough. We believe that our local artists have a critical role to play in ensuring that Mandela Day becomes an everyday occurrence, that they enhance the Mandela Day campaign each day through action and ensure that this is not only on Mr Mandela’s birthday.”
DJ Cleo, winner of the Best Selling Mobile Music Download award, said: “We are committed to Mandela Day and will do our utmost to contribute in the best way we can.”
The Foundation encourages you – and everyone you know – to understand that whether you’re a celebrity, former president, development worker, musician, or SAMA award winner – we each have the power to change the world, even through small actions.
“Make Every Day Mandela Day!”