July 24, 2008 – A booklet recording the Nelson Mandela Centre of Memory’s dialogue for apartheid-era trialists has been published.
The surviving political trialists from the trials in which Nelson Mandela was a co-accused – his 1952 Defiance Campaign Trial, the 1956-1961 Treason Trial and the 1963-4 Rivonia Trial – were reunited by the Centre in Johannesburg on March 14, 2008.
Not only was this an opportunity for friends and comrades to meet, some for the first time in decades, it was also a time to explore the role of international solidarity in the struggles against apartheid, and to acknowledge the contribution of Sweden in particular. The Swedish Embassy was a co-convenor (and funder) of the forum.
“It’s thanks to your courage, your contributions, sacrifices and desire for a just society that we’re here today, living in a democracy,” said Dialogue Programme Manager Mothomang Diaho on the day.
“It just struck me, looking at the audience: 20 years ago this would have been an illegal gathering,” said the Centre’s Chief Executive Officer Achmat Dangor.
And Swedish Ambassador Anders Möllander said he was looking forward to becoming a veteran himself, judging by the lively spirit of the veterans present.
The booklet records the vivid recollections, the courage and the in-jokes of those who stood trial. It also reveals some of the little-known arrangements for Swedish support of resistance in South Africa during the apartheid years. The former trialists were able to express their gratitude once again for this strong solidarity.
“[Mr Mandela’s] enjoyment at reuniting with old comrades and friends alone made the event worthwhile,” commented Memory Programme Manager Verne Harris. He also noted that the dialogue participants engaged in “some serious reflection and self-criticism”.
The booklet preserves and adds to the value of this historic event. It contains many photographs and is bound to revive memories and stimulate fresh interest in all who read it.
To view a PDF version of the booklet click here.
Copies can be ordered from the Nelson Mandela Centre of Memory at nmf@nelsonmandela.org or on +27118532613.