May 9, 2008 – “We’re so excited to be here!” enthused pensioner Martha Naidoo, who visited the Nelson Mandela Foundation on May 8 with other residents from Dewetshof Retirement Village in Johannesburg.

Foundation CEO Achmat Dangor and Basetsana Kumalo.
(Image: Nelson Mandela Foundation)The group of about 50 pensioners was accompanied by Hilda Mkhwanazi, of the City of Johannesburg, and Top Billing presenter and businesswoman Basetsana ‘Bassie’ Kumalo. The group was on a day’s outing organised by the City of Johannesburg and the Dewetshof Social Club, assisted by the television show Top Billing, motor company Audi and the Sowetan newspaper.
Kumalo presented a birthday card signed by the Dewetshof residents to Foundation CEO Achmat Dangor, who accepted it on behalf of Nelson Mandela. Mr Mandela, who turns 90 on July 18, was away on holiday. Naidoo said that it was an honour to visit the Nelson Mandela Foundation. “God bless Madiba. He has done so much for our country!” she said.

Pensioner Martha Naidoo wishes Mr Mandela a happy birthday.
After the presentation of the card, the group broke into a spontaneous chorus of “Happy Birthday, Dear Madiba!” They then had refreshments and watched a short film about the Nelson Mandela Foundation. Kumalo said: “The purpose of today is to give the residents an opportunity to get out and enjoy themselves, but more importantly to see how the majority of our people live. These pensioners live in a very comfortable environment in the Dewetshof home. So today also gave them a sense of appreciation, and knowledge of how they can help.” Earlier in the day they visited Itlhokomeleng Home for the Aged in Alexandra. After their visit to the Foundation, they visited parts of Soweto, including the Hector Pieterson Museum.