March 24, 2011– To the family, friends and comrades of the late Henry “Squire” Makgothi. We have been deeply saddened to hear that Henry “Squire” Makgothi has passed away. On behalf of our Founder and Trustees, we send condolences to his family, friends and comrades. South Africa has lost another patriot and stalwart of struggle.
Much of Comrade Henry’s 82 years was dedicated to the struggle against apartheid and the building of democracy. He was a member of a generation of leadership which shaped our county’s history in profound ways. We honour his many contributions, from the campaigns of the 1950s to the decade he spent on Robben Island, from many years of exile to his post-1990 work in the rebuilding of South Africa. He will not be forgotten.
We join fellow South Africans and many abroad in saying hamba kahle to an outstanding South African.
Your sincerely
Achmat Dangor
Chief Executive
Nelson Mandela Foundation