A recent site visit to Moime Primary School in Limpopo – to investigate the possible placement of a library at the school – revealed the appalling condition of the school’s ablution facilities.

The ablution facilities were in an appalling state
The inspection of the toilets revealed grim and shocking conditions, even showing that toilets were host to a family of snakes – adding to the already alarming issues of sanitation.
So before embarking on the library project, it was decided to tackle this lack of the most basic of human rights.
Alta Brown, a Vodacom Change the World volunteer, working with the Nelson Mandela Foundation, began the process of securing a donation of toilets for the school.
As a result, the site preparation and groundwork for the structures of 20 toilets – to the value of R120 000 – will soon begin. This upliftment project will not only provide improved hygienic standards, but also restore dignity to the learners.
A formal handover ceremony takes place at the school on 13 February 2014. Click here for details.
After a recent site visit that involved tribal leaders, the parents’ governing body, the local department of education, educators and ward councillors, the project was accepted and embraced by the community – set-up and preparation of the toilets will be done by eight community members under the direction of Amalooloo staff, the company that is supplying the toilets.

Twenty new toilets will be constructed
The new Amalooloo toilets will eliminate sanitation-related diseases and provide for hand-washing under running water with soap.
Further donations to the school during the handover ceremony on the 13 February include:
- Three computers, library books, internet connection – data services through VC Limpopo region – and a telephone connection for the school
- A manual scanning system that will allow the school to scan documents, translate the documents into other languages through Google Translate, and send them off by email
- A stationery drive through Vodacom Limpopo region
The library project will launch on 19 February 2014, through a donation by GIA in collaboration with the Nelson Mandela Foundation and Breadline Africa.