Nelson Mandela Foundation

Today, the Nelson Mandela Foundation was in the Supreme Court of Appeals opposing Afriforum's appeal of the 2019 Equality Court decision that declared that gratuitous displays of the Apartheid flag constitute hate speech.

The Nelson Mandela Foundation was joined by the Human Rights Commission, the Department of Justice and Correctional Facilities as well as the Minister of Justice and Correctional Services in opposing Afriforum’s appeal.

We are confident that the judgment, which we expect over the coming months, will be in favour of nation-building, national healing and indicative of a society where everybody has the right to dignity, respect and human rights.


Media Enquiries

Mandla Dakada
Communications & Digital Coordinator
Nelson Mandela Foundation
+27 (0)66 472 7355

Sello Hatang, Chief Executive of the Nelson Mandela Foundation speaks after today's Supreme Court of Appeals hearing relating to Hate Speech And Displays Of Apartheid Flag