On 28 August 2014 students, teachers, parents and community members attended the opening of a Mandela Day container library at Beisang Mabewana Primary School in Hobhouse, Free State.
The 47th library to open since the launch of the Mandela Day container libraries initiative in 2012, the learning facility in Dipelaneng, Hobhouse, will go a long way towards establishing a love of reading among the school’s 755 registered learners and 20-plus educators.
Senior Communications Officer at the Public Investment Corporation Adi Mathai officially handed over the container library to Beisang Mabewana Primary School principal CJ Taunyane.
Mathai spoke of the need for sustainable and impactful solutions to uplift South African communities in need. He encouraged the Dipelaneng community, and the school’s learners and educators, to make full use of the library.
A long-time supporter of the Mandela Day libraries initiative, the Public Investment Corporation has invested in container libraries since 2012. This year it will launch two libraries, including the facility at Hobhouse.
Deputy Chief Education Specialist Mr Mahura saw the need in the Hobhouse community, and was inspired by the dedication and leadership of the school principal. Mr Mahura, who knew that the principal of the school had the commitment required to fully run and manage the library, helped Breadline Africa select Beisang Mabewana Primary School as a recipient school.
The launch event was a celebration of appreciation. It took place in the local community hall in order to accommodate members of the community, parents, learners and invited guests, including the Department of Basic Education Library and Information Services directorate. There was traditional dancing, drama, poetry and readings by students of different ages.
Breadline Africa is proud to be a part of building the legacy of Madiba through the Mandela Day Libraries Project.