We will remember you and strive to embody in our lives
the principles for which you stood so steadfastly.
You reminded us of what is possible.
You called out of us the best qualities of being human.
We are grateful for all you have given us and our country.
We will remember the love and courage that you demonstrated for all of us.
Tata Madiba, may you rest in peace.
Hamba kahle, great warrior for truth and justice.
We honour and work for what you said in 1998 at the handover of the TRC report:
"Now the challenge is for all of us to protect our democratic gains like the apple of our eye. It is for those who have the means, to contribute to the efforts to repair the damage brought by the past. IT IS FOR THOSE WHO HAVE SUFFERED LOSSES OF DIFFERENT KINDS AND MAGNITUDES TO BE AFFORDED REPARATION, proceeding from the premise that freedom and dignity are the real prize that our sacrifices were meant to attain. Free at last, we are all masters of our destiny. A better future depends on all of us lending a hand – your hand, my hand."