Nelson Mandela Foundation

Invitation to cover: Nelson Mandela Foundation and partners launch a Literacy Hub in rural Limpopo
Date of issue: 28 July 2022
From: Nelson Mandela Foundation

As Mandela month draws to a close, the Nelson Mandela Foundations will be heading to Limpopo on Friday 29 July 2022, to launch the 'Sasaladzi ḽa Fhulufhelo' Literacy Hub - a project to advance literacy amongst children in poorly resourced rural schools in South Africa.

The Literacy Hub project is in collaboration with Literacy4Life, Child Upliftment Corner, and SHOUT SA in conjunction with Rotary International. It seeks to use the magic of books to develop literacy skills, stimulate curiosity and grow young minds in the quest to broaden freedom of information, dismantle structural racism and eradicate poverty and inequity through education.

 Event details:

Date: Friday, 29 July 2022
Time: 11h00 - 14h30

Mamali Sikhwivhilu Primary School
Ngovhela backside village
Stand no. 015
Vhembe District

Literacy4life was established in 2019 in Gauteng by the late Advocate Marukgwane Moremogolo, who believed that advancing literacy in disadvantaged areas would help grow the minds of the young, therefore changing their life's trajectory for the better. To date, the Nelson Mandela Foundation has distributed over 5 000 books to underprivileged communities around South Africa. The Child Upliftment Corner was founded in 2021 in the Vhembe district by Muvhali Fhulufhelo, a student from the University of Venda; she believes in reading to improve language proficiency at an early stage of life. SHOUT SA builds and stocks libraries in rural communities in desperate need of reading and learning resources for both the learners and their educators.

The 'Sasaladzi la Fhulufhelo' Literacy Hub project will directly benefit over 395 learners and staff at the school.

"Education is the great engine of personal development. It is through education that the daughter of a peasant can become a doctor, that the son of a mine worker can become the head of the mine, that a child of farmworkers can become the president of a great nation” ~ Nelson Mandela


Media Enquiries:
Morongwa Phukubye
+27 71 445 1892