Having spent the morning with learners in Lenasia, you would think 85-year-old “Kathy”, as he is affectionately known, would be at home, watching his favourite local soapie, Isidingo – but instead, he accepted an invite to give a keynote address on a “new documentary” about Nelson Mandela, in the absence of the Nelson Mandela Foundation Chief Executive Sello Hatang.
Former Deputy President Kgalema Motlanthe welcomesguests
This, of course, was not true, but rather a pretend engagement engineered by Ahmed Kathrada Foundation director Neeshan Balton.
“The one-hour documentary is about him [Kathrada] instead. We want him to leave with a sense that his work is paying off. He has had about 250 public engagements a year since the Foundation started in 2008.
“He won’t be able to sustain that many engagements any longer, but our wish for him is to live as long as possible, and to share his integrity and humility for generations to come,” Balton said.
The gathering compromised friends, comrades and colleagues, including former Deputy President Kgalema Motlanthe; former Minister in the Presidency for National Planning Trevor Manuel; former Speaker of the National Assembly Max Vuyisile Sisulu; Public Protector Thulisile Madonsela; entertainer and actress Pearl Thusi; and Morning Live’s Leanne Manas.
Before the screening, Motlanthe welcomed everyone to the Nelson Mandela Centre of Memory, and sent birthday wishes to Kathrada.
Balton then presented some light-hearted slides on the life of Kathrada, including his likes and dislikes. (Guests also learned that at 7pm, no one should dare interrupt Kathrada, as Isidingo is on air.)
Guests discovered that he delights in his dessert before the main course, because “life is too short”.
Kathrada blows out the candles with help of his wife, Barbara Hogan
Then it was over to film producer and CEO of Videovision Entertainment, Anant Singh, who produced the documentary.
The documentary is about the life of Kathrada, and colleagues, family and comrades all pitched in to discuss various aspects of his.
The general consensus was that he remains an “active activist” and still fights for a non-racial society. People interviewed for the documentary spoke about his humility, good heart and humour.
The documentary received a standing ovation.
One of the heart-warming moments is an old interview with Nelson Mandela, in which his describes Kathrada as “a strong character”. Mandela repeatedly refers to Kathrada as “Madala”, meaning "old man", which is a name they called each other.
Kathrada turned 85 on Thursday, 21 August 2014
(Image: Nelson Mandela Foundation)“I like to be around strong people, and Kathy is one of those people who challenge me,” said Mandela in the interview.
Kathrada then blew out the candles on a huge cake with the help of his wife, Barbara Hogan. He then gave his thanks to everyone who had put the surprise party together.
Said Manas on her Twitter page: “Not a dry eye in the house after a documentary produced by Anant Singh about Ahmed Kathrada was shown at his 85th birthday celebration.”
“To be Mr Kathrada's birthday present at his bday celebration as one of his fav @isidingosabc3 characters is THE BIGGEST HONOUR,” Thusi said on her Twitter page.