On 21 May 2014, the Mandela Bangle programme launched its first Long Walk to Freedom container library in Phuthaditjhaba in the Free State in support of the Mandela Day container library programme.
The objective of the container libraries project is to assist communities in need with facilities to encourage and enhance learning.
Mantshatlala Intermediate School in Namahadi Phuthaditjhaba was the recipient of this library. For students at the school, 21 May 2014 will be remembered as the launch of the school’s new library, and as the day the Mandelas came to town.
Mr Mhlambi, the principal of Mantshatlala Intermediate School and our host for the launch, organised a dance and cultural show (performed by the school children) for all the guests, including members from the Department of Education, the local Chief of the area, Soul City and Soul Buddyz, Mandela Bangles, the Mandela Granddaughters Zaziwe and Swati, celebrity Hlubi Mboya (a long standing Bangle Ambassador) and Hytec group (one of the sponsors behind the Library program).

With the presence of Zaziwe, Swati, and Hlubi, the teachers, children and parents from the school were treated to a day filled with celebration and photo opportunities.
The Library was delivered with more than 800 books and 200 magazines, starting the process of continuous improvement. The children, who are already members of the outstanding Soul Buddyz Club, were excited to see the material, especially the current magazines with content for boys and girls.
Once again, the Rotary Humanitarian Centre in Bedfordview sponsored all the books. They are responsible for the Literature Project, which freely provides books to schools, churches and other educational institutions in Southern Africa, and Malawi. These books were originally donated by schools in the USA, shipped to South Africa by the Rotary Clubs in Texas, and then transported by Rotary from Cape Town to Johannesburg.
In addition to the books, the Mantshatlala Library was the first to receive a batch of current magazines, generously sponsored by Johannesburg based Joe’s Magz. The magazines covered fashion, cars, sports and many other topics, which the children absolutely loved. Seeing their response, we look forward to continuing to deliver these inspiring, topical attractions in our future libraries.
Hytec Group were motivated to support the Library Programme by one of their employees Herman Kirstein. Herman has seen first-hand what a difference the libraries can make. As a result, he’s actively campaigned - via the Old Mutual Joberg2C mountain bike race - to generate funds for two libraries to date; the 1st Long Walk to Freedom Library, and the 5th 46664 Library. The latter is along the rural route followed by the Joberg2C mountain bike race. “It is a pleasure to see each year how the learners use the facility to benefit all,” said Herman.
Mike Harrison of Hytec Group, gifted Mr Mhlambi and each of the school’s 24 teachers with a Mandela Bangle. This was given as a token of appreciation for all the hard work they put in, to encourage children to stay in school for as long as possible.
The launch ended with a special lunch, and a few thank you speeches, rounding off a magnificent day for all involved in the Library programme.