Lungi Sisulu sharing a moment with Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu at the launch of ‘Parenting a Nation’
Media release: Condolence message from the Nelson Mandela Foundation on the passing of Mlungisi Sisulu
Date: 14 October 2015
From: Neeran Naidoo, Director: Communications & Outreach, Nelson Mandela Foundation
“On behalf of our Chairman, Trustees and Staff we at the Nelson Mandela Foundation send our deepest condolences to the family, comrades and friends of Mlungisi Sisulu, son of the late Walter and Albertina Sisulu,” said Sello Hatang, CEO of the Nelson Mandela Foundation
We were privileged to work closely with Lungi in 2007 during the making of the exhibition Parenting a Nation: Walter and Albertina Sisulu which launched at the Nelson Mandela Foundation in 2008.
Mlungisi Sisulu and his daughter Tumi and sister-in-law, Elinor Sisulu were an integral part of the team at the Foundation who produced the exhibition.
His loss is immense, and we will always remember his kindness and endearing humour.
May he rest in peace. Hamba Kahle
Media Enquiries:
Neeran Naidoo
+27 82 994 0349