Thousands of people across South Africa have already taken the Anti-Racism Network of South Africa’s (ARNSA) #TakeOnRacism pledge.
But beyond taking a stand on social media, one of the core elements of that pledge is to talk about racism and understand its different elements so that we are all better equipped to fight it.
With this in mind, the Nelson Mandela Foundation and ARNSA will host an interactive Twitter question and answer session from 7pm to 8pm this evening (16 March 2016), and we invite you to take part.
We will focus on the following questions:
- How do you #TakeOnRacism in your personal life? (7pm)
- How do you educate your children about racism? #TakeOnRacism (7.15pm)
- What issues around racism would you raise in your community? #TakeOnRacism (7.30pm)
- What's the most constructive way to deal with racism in the workplace? #TakeOnRacism (7.45pm)
The discussion will be led by the Nelson Mandela Foundation, with its CEO Sello Hatang contributing his insight to the conversation throughout the evening.
Please keep the following things in mind should you wish to take part:
- Be sure to include the hashtag #TakeOnRacism in your tweet.
- Preface your tweet with A1, A2 etc. depending on the number of the question you're answering.
- Engage respectfully (even if you don't agree with the answers given by others, remember, it's a tough conversation, but one we have to engage with).
- Try to be helpful and constructive in your answers. Remember, we want to move this debate along.
We look forward to a constructive and illuminating discussion on racism, exploring how we can best equip ourselves to rid South Africa of this social disease.
Make your #TakeOnRacism pledge now.