Nelson Mandela International Dialogues
The Nelson Mandela Foundation partnered with the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) Global Leadership Academy to bring together participants from countries worldwide to engage in a series of dialogues on memory work: the Nelson Mandela International Dialogues.
The Nelson Mandela International Dialogues provide an international forum to discuss the complex personal, collective and professional challenges facing those engaged in reckoning with the past. Following the Mandela Dialogues 1 process (2013/14), a second series was planned with the aim of exploring two key lines of inquiry that emerged. The report serves to provide an account of the process.

Reflections from the 2016 Mandela Dialogues
In 2016 the Nelson Mandela Foundation and the Global Leadership Academy of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) convened two six-day dialogues with “memory workers” from nine countries. This was the second series of international Mandela Dialogues, the first having taken place in 2013/14.
Nelson Mandela International Dialogues 2013 to 2014
The first Mandela Dialogues, which brought together 26 participants from 10 countries, was hosted in South Africa in November 2013; the second took place in Cambodia from 3 to 6 March 2014; and the final dialogue took place in Argentina from 9 to 17 October 2014.